About Ice Survey

The ICESurvey

The ICESurvey is a needs assessment tool, which will be designed and implemented in the five project countries. The aim of the ICESurvey is to collect information about practitioners’ understanding of, attitudes towards, experience with and confidence about integrating ICE into their early foreign language classes to inform decisions regarding the development of the professional development course.

Transferability potential

The survey will be made available in English and the five partner country majority languages Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, German and Norwegian through the open-access ICEPELL website. It will be easily accessible to teacher educators / researchers who might want to translate it into other languages or apply the survey in other teaching/learning contexts.

Expected impact

The set of five national ICESurvey results will be published in the five partner countries, in each partner country’s majority language. These results will inform local stakeholders (e.g. teacher educators, researchers, national publishers and course book authors, ministry of education, school directors etc).

A comparative analysis of the data between partner countries will be disseminated in an English publication. This will reach a more international audience and make a contribution to the lacuna of data relating to this area of early language learning.