The ICEPELL Symposium, Nord University, Norway
7 – 8 June 2021
The ICEPELL Symposium is a unique online event organised for the ICEPELL project. It features a delightful mix of talks, picturebook read-alouds and practitioner testimonies.
- Speakers include: Michael Rosen, Janice Bland, Gail Ellis, Fabrizio Ferrari, Nayr Ibrahim, Sandie Mourão, Silvana Rampone, Carol Read and David Valente.
- Picturebook read-alouds are by: Steve Antony and Gro Dahle.
- Testimonies are from teachers, student teachers and teacher librarians in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal.
Do join us for two days being immersed in picturebooks for intercultural citizenship education. The ICEPELL Symposium is free to attend and open to anyone who is interested in using picturebooks for intercultural citizenship education in early English language learning.